Model-based therapy in aphasia
behavioural and neural effecs
Model-based therapy: Behavioural modulation in the language network
The project at RWTH Aachen University was funded by the
BMBF (grant 01GW0662 to Walter Huber) as
part of a larger collaborative project with the Universities of Kiel and
Freiburg (Mechanisms of brain reorganisation of the language network, PI
Cornelius Weiller, Neurocenter at Freiburg University).
Persons with aphasia after stroke
and due to dementia received intensive lexical therapy of their word finding
disorders. Therapy-induced changes of brain activation were determined considering
fMRI-measurements before versus after therapy, and these were again compared to
according activation changes in healthy participants.
The habilitation thesis
offers an overview of the publications of this and other projects 2007-2011.
Important publications/cooperators:
- Saur, D., Kreher, B., Schnell, S., Kümmerer, D., Kellmeyer, P., Vry, M.-S., Umarova, R., Musso, M., Glauche, V., Abel, S., Huber, W., Rijntjes, M., Hennig, J., & Weiller, C. (2008). A ventral and a dorsal pathway for language. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 105, 18035-18040.
- Abel, S., Dressel, K., Kümmerer, D., Saur, D., Mader, I., Weiller, C., & Huber, W. (2009). Correct and erroneous picture naming responses in healthy subjects. Neuroscience letters, 463, 167-171.
- Dressel, K., Huber, W., Frings, L., Kümmerer, D., Saur, D., Mader, I., Hüll, M., Weiller, C., & Abel, S. (2010). Model-oriented naming therapy in semantic dementia: a single case study. Aphasiology, 24 (12), 1537-1558.
- Abel, S., Huber, W., Weiller, C., Amunts, K., Eickhoff, S., & Heim, S. (2011). The influence of handedness on hemispheric interaction during word production: Insights from effective connectivity. Brain Connectivity, 1(3), 219-231.
- Abel, S. (2011). Normale und gestörte
Wortverarbeitung. Psycholinguistische, neurolinguistische und
sprachtherapeutische Aspekte. Cumulative habilitation, RWTH Aachen.
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- Abel, S., Weiller, C., Huber, W., & Willmes, K. (2014). Neural underpinnings for model-oriented therapy of aphasic word production. Neuropsychologia, 57, 154-165.
- Abel, S., Weiller, C., Huber, W., Willmes, K., & Specht, K. (2015). Therapy-induced brain reorganisation patterns in aphasia. Brain, 138, 1097-1112.