Interfered-naming in aphasia (INTA) – a linguistic-executive approach in aphasia rehabilitation

The project at RWTH Aachen University was supported by the German Research Foundation to Walter Huber (Model-oriented treatment of word production disorders in aphasia, HU 292/10-1, 08/2006-07/2008, to Walter Huber; 05/2010-12/2013, AB 282/2-1, Own position).
INTA combines an established method from aphasia therapy (cueing-therapy) with a task featuring naming with distractors, in order to address word finding difficulties in aphasia. Effects and effectiveness of this novel linguistic-executive approach were assessed behaviourally and with functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). The habilitation thesis offers an overview of the publications of this and other projects 2007-2011.


  • Bruehl, S., Willmes, K., Binkofski, F. (2023). Interfered-Naming Therapy for Aphasia (INTA): Behavioural and computational effects of a novel linguistic-executive approach. Aphasiology, 37(2), 227-248.
  • Bruehl, S., Willmes, K., Binkofski, F. (2023). Interfered-Naming Therapy for Aphasia (INTA): A neuroscience-based approach to improve linguistic-executive processing. Aphasiology, 37(2), 205-226.
  • Abel, S. & Willmes, K. (2016). Combined linguistic-executive therapy of word processing in aphasia. Front. Psychol., 7, Academy of Aphasia Meeting, Llandudno: Poster. DOI:
  • Abel, S., Dressel, K., Bitzer, R., Kümmerer, D., Mader, I., Weiller, C., & Huber, W. (2009). The separation of processing stages in a lexical interference fMRI-paradigm. NeuroImage, 44, 1113-1124. Abel, S. (2011). Normale und gestörte Wortverarbeitung. Psycholinguistische, neurolinguistische und sprachtherapeutische Aspekte. Cumulative habilitation, RWTH Aachen. (Request HERE)
  • Abel, S., Dressel, K., Weiller, C., & Huber, W. (2012). Enhancement and suppression in a lexical interference fMRI-paradigm. Brain and Behavior, 2(2), 109-127.
  • Abel, S. (2011). Die Lokalisation von sprachlichen und kognitiven Prozessen im fMRT-Interferenzparadigma. In B.J. Kröger & P. Birkholz (Eds.), Studientexte zur Sprachkommunikation: Elektronische Sprachsignalverarbeitung (pp. 110-117). Dresden: TUDpress. (Request HERE)
  • Dressel, K., Weiller, C., Huber, W., & Abel, S. (2011). Gestörter Wortabruf im Modell und im Gehirn. Eine Therapiestudie mit drei Einzelfällen. Sprache, Stimme, Gehör, 35 (1), 19-25. 10.1055/s-0031-1273694